Third-Party Integrations
RTI Connext enables third-party integration, eliminating the need for custom coding.

Achieving Real-World System Integration
Developing intelligent distributed systems is complex, involving teams using a variety of technologies, programming languages and operating systems. RTI Connext, based on the DDSTM standard, integrates real-world systems into the development environment with security and ease for rapid prototyping, sharing, testing, and collaboration in mission-critical systems.
Simplified Data Sharing Across Applications
Connext simplifies the development and integration of intelligent, distributed systems through seamless integration with popular third-party design tools, including LabVIEW™, Simulink®️ and UML/SysML-based modeling environments. The Connext Databus enables reliable, secure, high-performance data sharing across applications in heterogeneous environments - across programming languages, operating systems and hardware. It integrates with third-party APIs to ensure portability between implementations, wire protocols and Quality of Service (QoS), and supports multiple programming languages including C, C++, Java, .NET, and Ada.
Connext enables real-time data exchange and analysis with NI LabVIEW, for rapid flow and decision support of test, measurement and control information in intelligent, Industrial IoT systems. The Connext Databus shares data between LabVIEW applications, NI Linux Real-Time controllers and other DDS applications.
Connext integrates with DDS Blockset to seamlessly connect Simulink models of real-time and embedded systems through the Connext databus. Users can generate C++ code from Simulink models and deploy their models with DDS connectivity on a range of supported platforms. Download the DDS Blockset data sheet and see the resources on the RTI MathWorks page.
Connext is used with popular UML and SysML-based modeling environments such as Cameo, to create DDS applications for real-time and embedded systems. Connext integrates with Dassault Systèmes CATiA MagicDraw®, IBM Rational® Rhapsody® and Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
Connext is optimized and fully interoperable with the UEI family of reliable, rugged chassis and I/O boards for aerospace, defense, industrial and transportation applications. Visit this page to access the target libraries for optimized Connext performance on UEI hardware.
Wireshark is a network-packet, open source analyzer that supports many network protocols, including Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS), the wire protocol used by Connext . The Wireshark Dissector Plug-in can be used to capture and analyze RTPS packets from Connext applications.