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Real-Time Innovations to Demonstrate Real-Time Data Connectivity for Modeling, Simulation and Training (MS&T) Systems at I/ITSEC 2019

In-booth Demos Will Showcase Multi-Level Security, Autonomous Vehicle Simulation and FACE™ Live Avionics Systems   

SUNNYVALE, Calif. and ORLANDO, Fla. December 2, 2019 Real-Time Innovations (RTI), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company, will be exhibiting and demoing at the annual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), the world's largest modeling simulation and training (MS&T) event taking place December 2-6 in Orlando, Fla. At this year’s event, RTI will be showcasing how they work with the MS&T community to drive the connectivity foundation from real deployed systems into Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) solutions.

Every year, I/ITSEC showcases MS&T technologies for the exchange of information among industry, military and educational communities. At this year’s event, RTI will be showcasing how Connext® DDS drives higher fidelity into next-generation training systems by integrating distributed simulation assets and data together in a secure, high-performance, scalable environment. During these various simulations, RTI will be demonstrating a wide range of MS&T capabilities spanning cloud, gaming and real-time embedded systems. These MS&T capabilities drive increased fidelity in today’s training systems, while highlighting the strategic importance of smart integration.

Alongside their strategic partners, RTI will demonstrate three diverse MS&T systems components in Booth #2421, including:

Multi-Level Security for Simulation

  • Developed for the Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMS), this demonstration uses Connext DDS Secure to enforce Multi-Level Security on data-in-motion for an aircraft simulation. Different applications will receive only the information they are allowed to see, even though they are all connected to the same network.

Autonomous Vehicle Simulation

  • This demonstration simulates two autonomous vehicles using CARLA and ROS2. It showcases how the RTI Connext Databus is used to demonstrate real-time connectivity between two different popular open source products to extract simulation data in a virtual system and connect it to a live simulation system. 

FACELive Avionics Systems

  • This is a demonstration of a COTS DO-254 and DO-178C solution for airborne systems. Abaco FORCE2C is a ready-for-certification avionics platform based on an NXP QorIQ T2081 PowerPC. The Abaco box runs Wind River VxWorks® 653 as the operating system with one partition containing an RTI Connext application. The application simulates a mission computer publishing position and orientation data. The data is subscribed to by a Harris FliteScene which is a FACE conformant moving map software product. FliteScene makes use of RTI Connext TSS for the communication. 

To learn more about Real-Time Innovation’s MS&T solutions, register today for the webinar, "Modernizing Warfighter Simulation & Training Systems." On December 18, Chip Downing, Senior Market Development Director of Aerospace and Defense at RTI, will discuss how a standards-based connectivity framework can provide a framework for modern warfare training.

Additional details on the event can be found below.

Event Details

What: I/ITSEC 2019

When: December 2-6, 2019

Where: Booth #2421, Orange County Convention Center, 9899 International Dr., Orlando, Fla.

For additional information, and to schedule a meeting with one of RTI’s simulation experts, please visit:

About RTI

Real-Time Innovations (RTI) is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company. The RTI Connext® Databus is a software framework that shares information in real time, making applications work together as one integrated system. It connects across field, fog and cloud. Its reliability, security, performance and scalability are proven in the most demanding industrial systems. Deployed systems include medical devices and imaging; wind, hydro and solar power; autonomous planes, trains and cars; traffic control; Oil and Gas; robotics, ships, and defense.

RTI is the largest vendor of products based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) standard. RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.

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