Rail Monitoring
Tracking locomotives in transit helps rail companies to optimize performance, detect problems and reroute equipment based on local conditions. This results in:
- higher customer satisfaction
- shorter transit time
- better scheduling and
- safe, more efficient operations
Yet despite investments in the latest equipment, even the most modern tracking systems perform poorly and inconsistently due to the challenges of collecting and monitoring data from fast-moving assets operating through remote terrain.
RTI provides the connectivity software and services to help monitor train performance before, during and after trips. RTI Connext enables intelligent information exchange from onboard and remote applications, resulting in less unscheduled downtime, energy savings and higher utilization rates. Its standards-based data distribution infrastructure can connect thousands of onboard mobile and remote assets, transmitting data from dispersed sources, and aggregating it for real-time analysis and response.
RTI Connext is highly scalable and provides hardware and software interoperability through a common databus. Authorized users and applications can access any data from any location. With its publish-subscribe architecture, back-office client applications can simply subscribe to the necessary data. Train operators can receive configuration updates in real time, without waiting for scheduled maintenance.
Train Control
The reliance on rail continues to increase, creating a need for a system that is more connected, efficient and secure. RTI Connext delivers the first connectivity framework designed for architecting complex, intelligent, distributed systems. It distributes and manages all of the real-time data on the control network, such as sensor data, commands and fused information. It then transmits remotely required information over any broadband or wireless network. Based on the proven Data Distribution Service (DDSTM) standard, Connext supports easy integration of third party applications.
Connext improves the safety and security of locomotives, protecting systems and providing real-time alerts in the event of a service disruption or security threat.