Intelligent Connectivity for High Performance Compute Systems
Defining and implementing a modern architecture is critical to ushering in the full capabilities of next-generation vehicles. This evolution starts with the consolidation of several domains in high performance compute (HPC), such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), control, infotainment or telematics. It concludes with the central and zonal gateways approach of next gen E/E.
Software-defined vehicles require the ability to rapidly move massive amounts of data within and between zones. RTI Connext Drive is a data-centric framework that enables HPC through scalable, real-time, end-to-end communication and data-centric software components across zones. This reduces component and development costs, enabling manufacturers to prioritize overall scalability through a data-centric approach.
Using the unified capabilities of DDS, Connext Drive rapidly distributes data flows, from multiple cameras, LIDARs and sensors to the central ECU.
Learn more in the Connext Drive High Performance Compute Capability Brief.