Connext in Maritime Autonomous Applications
To meet the challenges of the demanding maritime environment, the U.S. Navy has developed the Unmanned Maritime Autonomy Architecture (UMAA) to define a comprehensive data model and a standardized group of services required of maritime vessels and systems.
The UMAA standard allows for command and control from operators across the wide array of UUVs and USVs that the Navy is currently employing, and allows for command and control of multiple platforms from various vendors across a common standard.
The UMAA standard selected DDS as its messaging layer protocol for its ability to be vendor agnostic and its capacity to support a broad range of use cases.
RTI Connext is the leading DDS solution. In this seminar we will focus on teaching you how to use Connext in your UMAA systems, and how to address common design challenges of developing autonomous maritime systems.
Event Details
- January 22nd, 2025 2025-01-22
- 9:30am-1:15pm ET
- University of Mary Washington, King George
Complimentary coffee, pastries and lunch will be provided and parking is plentiful.
Registration: Please register using the form provided.
*The event is free, but space is limited so please register to secure your space and so we can plan accordingly.
Featured Speakers
![John B CKO2016-1](
John Breitenbach
Director, A&D Markets, RTI
![David Greenberg Preferred](
David Greenberg
Senior Application Engineer, RTI
Ross Gilson
Mid-Atlantic Field Application Engineer, RTI
Brett Hall
Senior Software Engineer, RTI
Brett Hall is a Senior Software Engineer for RTI. He has 15 years of experience in Aerospace and Defense (A&D) Software Development. Prior to his time at RTI, he developed and implemented various software applications for a major A&D corporation.His roles included software and integration design, research and development, FACE applications, and Command and Control systems using DDS. Brett is RTI’s representative to the FACE Consortium Transport Services Segment Working Group. He is also the software architect for the latest unreleased RTI Connext TSS 4.0. Brett received his BS in Computer Science from Clarkson University.
Paul Schmitt
Field Application Engineer, RTI
Paul Schmitt is a Field Application Engineer for RTI. He has over 25 years of experience in Embedded SW development. Before becoming a field application engineer, he developed and implemented real-time embedded software in communications, including telephone switching, ATM & Ethernet packet networks, network processors, and broadband routers. Paul received his BSECE (Bachelor of Science Electrical & Computer Engineering) from Clarkson University.
Ehsan Salehi
Senior Field Application Engineer, LDRA
Ehsan has over 15 years of experience in software development. He is a Verification Authority (VA) Lead for the FACE Standard Conformance Program, and since 2014, has been a member of the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Conformance Subcommittee and contributor to the FACE Conformance Verification Matrix. Before joining LDRA in 2018, Ehsan was involved in developing the FACE Technical Standard while working for Georgia Tech Research Institute.His past work as a software verification engineer has included involvement with industry safety certification standards such as DO-178B/C, DO-254, ISO 26262, and IEC 61508. Ehsan earned his Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.
Coffee and pastries
Connext Features Relevant to UMAA
Maritime Communications:
Use of Routing Service
Using Partitions to segment Discovery/Data traffic
Discovery optimization
Reliability optimization
Filtering addressable commands per destination
Limited bandwidth plugins
UMAA Challenges:
Use of keys within IDLs, and how it affects instance state
Ross Gilson and David Greenberg
Complimentary Lunch
UMAA Market: State of the Union
John Breitenbach
UMAA Case + Code
Hands on with Connext and UMAA
David Greenberg